March 16 update

Back to Servus and COVID-19

With the continued impact of COVID-19, we are working hard to protect the health and safety of our members and employees.

In the past few days, a few things have changed that we expect will affect how we operate in the short term. Though we're confident that we'll be able to work through these challenges, we know that these changes will impact how we're able to serve members and we want to be open about that.

The Government of Alberta has announced the cancellation of all classes for kindergarten through grade 12 as well as licensed childcare facilities and out of school care programs. Many of our employees have young families at home, and we expect this will impact how we're able to staff.

Over the weekend, we also learned that an employee at one of our branches has a suspected case of COVID-19. While we await test results, we're erring on the side of caution and have temporarily closed that branch until we can be certain that it's safe. We've communicated with impacted branch members directly.

As presumptive and confirmed cases continue to rise in the province, we expect situations like this to happen again and can assure you that we'll handle them with as much care and caution as possible.

What you can expect from us

As the situation evolves, keeping you informed will continue to be an important part of what we do. You can expect:

If Servus’s operations change as a result of COVID-19, we will communicate directly with members impacted by those changes.

Help us keep Servus branches safe

You also play role in keeping our operations healthy and safe. Please help us reduce the potential spread of COVID-19:

  • If you’re not feeling well or if you have recently travelled internationally, avoid coming into a branch.
  • Make use of our online banking services and contact centre (1.877.378.8728).
  • Ask to postpone or hold in-person meetings with your advisor virtually or by phone.
  • If you do visit a branch, please use hand sanitizing stations and maintain good hygiene practices.

For additional information on COVID-19 and advice for the public, please visit World Health Organization or Alberta Health Services.

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