Omar Yaqub

Welcomed to the board in 2021

Omar Yaqub

Meet Omar Yaqub. Omar was elected to Servus’s Board of Directors in 2021.

With a lifetime of experience in the for-benefit sector, Omar has had the privilege of creating community-based solutions in Edmonton, Canada’s far north, and West Africa.

Omar has taught corporate sustainability at the MBA level at the University of Alberta for over a decade, worked in management consulting, and is currently serving the Islamic Family and Social Services Association (IFSSA), a multi-award winning Imagine Canada accredited charity.

Omar is passionate about using engagement to drive innovation. He helped build MBAs without Boarders, the Social Enterprise Fund, Sustainable Works (a community co-op for retrofits), and has worked with the Edmonton Economic Development Corporation. He also helped start Social Return on Investment Alberta and was a founding member of ALIF Partners, which served for-benefit organizations.

Omar’s work has been profiled by CNN Money 2.0 and Global TV. Among other honours and awards, he is a recipient of the Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers (EMCN) RISE award for Community Leadership, and the University of Alberta’s Co-op Mentorship Award.

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